Welcome to our home page ...

Macon County Association for Home and Community Education is a Non-Profit Organization which offers educational programs to their members and others in the community regardless of race, color, sex, religion, creed or national origin.   Many of our members volunteer throughout their communities.  They make blankets for traumatized children in hospitals, shelters, etc.  Make and collect items for our soldiers overseas and our forgotten veterans who are in need.  Provide learning experiences about health education, nutrition, family and consumer economics, and personal development.  We are 1 out of 72 Illinois counties united together.

Our Aim is to have the home...
  • Economically sound
  • Mechanically convenient
  • Physically healthful
  • Morally wholesome
  • Mentally stimulating
  • Artistically satisfying
  • Socially responsible
  • Spiritually inspiring
  • Founded upon mutual
       affection and respect

           by Juliet Lita Bane
Our Mission Statement

Macon County Association for Home and Community Education enhances the lives of individuals and families through quality educational programs and experiences encouraging responsible leadership and service to the community.
Some of our members in the photo above, got together at one of our many activities and would like to welcome you to Macon County Home and Community Education, (est. 1918).  MCHCE has over 110 members within 8 units around Macon county. 2018 marked our 100th anniversary.   Macon was one of the first 14 original counties organized in Illinois.  If you have free time on your hands, contact one of the listed board members.  They can direct you to a unit near your home.

Upcoming Events:

  • HCE Week
     October 14-18

    RSVP by October 11, for all HCE Activities
  • Fall Meeting
    Oct 30, 9am-2p
     Illini Room
  • Oh Those Yummy

    Nov. 15, 9:30-11am
     Clover Room
     RSVP by Nov. 8
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